Remote Desktop Connection, XP Home, mstscax.dll ...  Where does this file go?
I've been having a devil of a time getting XP SP3 to install on a Compaq w/ XP Home SP2. I may be zeroing in on the problem as I write this, I'm making another of many attempts to install the service pack.However, in trying to get rid of Remote Desktop Connection prior installing SP 3 in accordance with KB950717 and other KB articles (of which none was useful :-) ), as a last resort I removed all files I could find relating to a search on mstsc*.Now, I want to put those files back, but I made a simple mistake. I saved a screen shot of the search window prior to deleting the files. Actually, I moved them to another partition so I could put them back if needed. But I failed to widen the "In Folder" column in the search window, so I don't have the complete path for two of the files.Can someone provide me with the complete pathname for this file in the C:\windows\softwaredistribution folder? This computer had that file in two subfolders.
November 2nd, 2010 12:48pm

Hi snowshed, · Could you please provide the error message you receive when you try to install Service pack 3?· What other files would you like to restore back? The actual path of mstscax.dll file:%systemroot%\system32\mstscax.dll I would suggest you to re-register mstscax.dll file which would get set to the default location. Steps to re-register mstscax.dlla. Click Start, and then click Runb. Type regsvr32 %systemroot%\system32\mstscax.dll, and then click OK. Hope this information is helpful and let me know if you need any further assistance.Mouneshwar R – Microsoft Support-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think
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November 3rd, 2010 5:42am

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